Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quick Update: I'm getting killed at work

Sorry guys, but my work has been picking up fast lately so I've been a little behind the ball.

A quick summary of the past week or so:

  • My TV has finally come in. I am 99% happy with it. Resident Evil 5 demo on the PS3 looks amazing. It's all good except for the fact that the bezel somehow mysteriously cracked on the top right corner. I'll post pics of it later, but this is why we have warranties when we first get tvs. As a bonus, I found out the $50 warranty I bought actually kicks in after the initial 1 year warranty from Toshiba ends, so I have 2 years of protection. Now I actually need to get a table or something to put it on, as it is currently sitting on top of the biggest platform in my room, my dresser.
  • I've been deluged with video games, with absolutely no time to play them. I'll post a guide on what I've done lately, but as a summary I have picked up Call of Duty 5, Little Big Planet (again), Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and some random ps2/ps1 games in the past few weeks, all under MSRP.

Prices on TVs have continued to drop after Super Bowl.

A Dynex 42 inch Plasma 720p tv goes for 600 at Best Buy

22 Inch Vizio for $260 at

If you want bigger, a 50 Inch Samsung 1080p goes for $1195 on Amazon!

There's ups and downs to all, but I am satisfied I got mine at that price. 1080p baby.

In addition, for Jean since I'm awful at this, I'm starting to see 1 terabyte External Hard Drives start to dip below $100 or at least close to it:

Western Digital 1TB for 109 (87.99 if you put in this code on 3XQW3BK2SCTG4Q)

Fantom 1TB for $119 (or $80 if you use their rebates on their site)

or even a Seagate 1.5 TB External HD for $150

I'll be a bit more thorough about HD reviews but those are all pretty good sets I think. Check reviews for each online as usual. I'll eventually get to another article when I have time

Stay Smart and Stay Cheap.